Drawing sequence diagram in the visual studio code.

1 minute read

When creating software the developer/system analyst should know how the software works. Usually, the developer/system analyst translates the problem into a sequence diagram. To show how the machine and algorithm with activity diagrams. Many tools for drawing the diagrams like draw.io.

Creating a complex diagram can make you frustrated. so instead of your drawing manually, I want to introduce an alternative way. Create a diagram with the script, PlantUML is an Open source tool and syntax for creating a UML diagram.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Install PlantUML Extension

PlantUML Extension

Requirements for Local render It’s necessary to have following installed:

  • Java : Platform for PlantUML running.
  • Graphviz : PlantUML requires it to calculate positions in diagram.

Quick Install for Mac

1brew install --cask temurin
2brew install graphviz

Your first sequence diagram

To start drawing better you read the documentation at PlantUML. The documentation is pretty easy to understand.

1.Create file on visual studio code. Supported ext are :

1*.wsd, *.pu, *.puml, *.plantuml, *.iuml

2.For example you can copy my code :

@startuml Authentication

actor User

User -> ClientApp: Open Login Screen

User -> ClientApp: Input username & password & submit login

ClientApp -> Server: Authentication request

Server -> ClientApp: Authentication Success

    alt Authentication failed

    Server -> ClientApp: Authentication Failed

    ClientApp -> ClientApp: Show notification failed login



3.Preview Current Diagram

PlantUML has “Preview Current Diagram”, which will open a new tab on the right side. The tab will show an Image of the diagram.

You can search “Preview Current Diagram” by hitting :

1command + shift + p


1 option + d

PlantUML Example

4.Export to PNG or SVG

For exporting you can search “Export Current Diagram” by hitting :

1command + shift + p